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Dragons of October - PDF art zine

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Dragons of October - PDF art zine


Dragons of October (digital download)

For my 2017 inktober project, I decided to create dragon character designs for all 31 days of October, inspired by the official prompt list. This 36-page zine of whimsical ink and watercolor dragon illustrations by Christina Lassheikki is appropriate for all ages. Each dragon is introduced through a small rhyme - Here's number 6, Hubertus the Sword-Hoarder:

I first came into contact with Inktober back in 2015, but started doing it 2016. My first year I experimented a lot, learnt a lot — and in the end, had a very, well, mixed book of illustrations. That’s why I decided to focus completely on a subject I’ve always loved — Dragons — and put my energy toward creating characters, rather than just pretty images.

I hope these dragons bring you joy!

In the words of the great Ursula K. LeGuin:

“But it is one thing to read about dragons, and another to meet them.”

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A full-color 36-page art zine with dragons and quirky rhymes

25.4 MB
36 pages
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